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Philanthropy Theatre

Philanthropy Theatre
Philanthropy Theatre
Philanthropy Theatre
Philanthropy Theatre

The Philanthropy Theatre is a beautiful 200-seat performance venue with a stage and production capabilities for community performances, recitals, corporate meetings, and more.

Venue Details

There are 975 secure, underground parking spaces available within walking distance.


200-seat theatre. Orchestra level only.

Accessibility Services

Passenger Elevator Assistive-listening system available at the box office Wheelchair seating available


24-hour, in-house security

Technical Specs

Lighting: 1 FOH electric consisting of Strand 50’ likos 1OH electric pipe 11 Strand 500 series lighting console

Sound System: Public address or playback capabilities 16 channel tie-ins OSL OSR (8 per side)

Width of Stage: 44’ Wide

Proscenium Dimensions: W 32’ x H 10’5”

Stagehands IATSE Local 153 stagehands are available.

Dressing Rooms 2 group dressing rooms 1 group makeup room

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